The ubiquitous wave of globalization in large companies and corporations and the concentration on core business areas in one's own company make it urgently necessary to seriously analyze the topic of "strategic alliances", especially in medium-sized enterprises, and to react if necessary.

How important and crucial "strategic alliances" are for the future for medium-sized companies, show the reports published daily in the press about alliances between corporations and big industry.

Even if there is currently no concrete reason for the formation of strategic alliances for one or the other company, it is still advisable if you have not already done so, prepare mentally and organizationally for such cases.

It is not always about "buying to grow", but also about "selling to grow" (divestment) in the sense of "focusing on strategic core business areas" and about " appreciation of own company" (important in connection with company succession and taking into account the formation of equity capital, see Basel II).

The EES offers a valuable network also with our cooperation partners SME Global and SME Connect, the Hayek Institute, the Austrian Aconomics Center as well as verious other economic assiciations and foundations.